Parameter expansion also includes some pattern matching capabilities with the same wild card capabilities as used in filename expansion or globbing. 参数扩展还包括了一些模式匹配功能,该功能带有在文件名扩展或globbing中使用的通配符功能。
Welding gun can run accurately and reliably in term of weld parameter with special motor control card and control software. 采用专用电机控制卡控制、软件驱动焊枪执行机构的方法,可靠性高,响应快,控制简单。
In accordance with the practice, both model of deformation and the model of force and energy parameter most in use are adopted for program design with C language. On the basis of this, a practical CARD system for channel is designed with Auto CAD software. 针对现场实际情况,采用常用的变形模型及力能参数模型,应用C语言进行程序设计,在此基础上采用Auto-CAD软件设计出一套实用的槽钢CARD系统。
Estimate the Parameter of Industry Diffusion Model and Sensibility Analyze with Repurchasing on Bank Card Industry 考虑重复购买的银行卡产业扩散模型及其参数估计和灵敏度分析
The system is made up of Up and Down computer, and they are linked by net. The computer maintains the real-time parameter of field's system by the sensor and The Advanced Multi-function Data Acquisition Card, and measures and controls the power station. 系统分上下位机,其间以网络通讯,计算机通过传感器和数据采集卡取得电站系统的现场的实时数据,按照既定的任务,进而完成对电站的监测和控制。
The final is output parameter's fuzzy control of the motion control card. 最后是运动控制卡输出变量的模糊控制。
Lastly, on the basis of software modularization, the realization of some modules is explained in detail, such as, real-time control and alarm, management of rights, setting of controller's parameter, management of card and person, query and report, system maintenance. 最后在软件模块化结构的基础之上,着重介绍了实时监控及报警模块、权限管理模块、控制器参数设置模块、卡片及人事信息管理模块、查询/报表模块和系统维护模块等的具体实现过程。
Under free repair/ replacement warranty ( FRW) condition, the research results the location parameter is not zero, around 400~ 600 hours, on the simulation of computer motherboard, graphic card, server motherboard, and notebook. 在免费维修保固的条件下,选定计算机主板,显示卡,服务器主板及笔记本电脑产品为例,发现所有WPP图标为非线性,其位置参数不为零,多分布在400~600小时。
The structure and parameter of some crucial parts, such as light source, optical lens, CCD camera and image gathering card, are discussed in detail, as well as the types and technical parameters of the productions selected. 2. 对系统的一些关键组成部分(如光源、光学镜头、CCD相机及图像采集卡等)的结构和性能参数进行详细的讨论,并给出了所选产品的型号及其技术指标。